王子好笨噢就一路跑啊跑啊一剑一剑砍进了荆棘城堡最后轻轻地一吻把童话带到了结局动画里的主人地下室惩罚骚奴的法律后果没有睡一百年那个睡了一百年的主人地下室惩罚骚奴的法律后果呢都还重复一样的梦吗好喜欢once upon a dream, 在梦里出现的人啊醒来就见到了还有这首i wonder why each little bird/ has a someone/ to sing to/ sweet things to/ a gay little melody
Our senses, restored, never to be the same. Whisper to us. They existed. They existed. We can be. Be, and be better. What a caterpillar calls the end, the rest of the world calls the butterfly. 生来被programmed的属性只有自视为正常与规范的人类才会问其他物种有无“并非人类的焦虑”丨设定pc到摇头马利克版克拉拉